Dave Mason defines his mission as: Learn, Grow, Teach. Besides being an author, Dave is also a Rabbi and an Entrepreneur, Rabbi, and Business Strategist. Dave's journeys have taken him through over twenty countries, and into jobs as varied as environmental litigator for the Natural Resources Defense Council and CEO of an Ecommerce Network.
Dave loves teaching through stories. In addition to The Age of Prophecy series, Dave has written two other novels, The Size of Your Dreams, which teaches tools for manifesting your goals, and The Cash Machine: A Tale of Passion, Persistence, and Financial Independence, which teaches hundreds of financial lessons.
Dave lives with his family in the eclectic Nachlaot neighborhood of Jerusalem.
Mike Feuer shies away from the title co-author, preferring to be called creative co-conspirator instead. He and Dave have lived bizarrely parallel lives. Born just four days apart, they were classmates at Colorado College, where they vaguely remember one another. After college, both made their way to Israel and threw themselves into studies of traditional Jewish texts. They finally met one another almost fifteen years after first starting school together, when they became two of the founders of a new institution in Jerusalem, Sulam Yaakov, where they each did their Rabbinic training. Dave Mason began The Age of Prophecy almost six years before the publication of the first book, The Lamp of Darkness. Several years into the work, he asked Mike to come on as a research assistant, drawing on Mike’s vast knowledge of subjects ranging from geology, to ancient history, to textual analysis. When Mike’s work greatly exceeded Dave’s expectations, Dave bumped him up to co-author status.